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Writer's pictureGil Lee

2024 Life Verse #84 - "Matthew 21:5"

<Today's Word> "Different Dreams in the Same Bed"

"Say unto the daughter of Zion, Thy king is come unto thee; and he humbled himself, and rode upon an ass, and upon the colt of an ass, the foal of an ass, a beast of burden." - Matthew 21:5

The way Jesus went

Today is Palm Sunday. It's the day Jesus entered Jerusalem, a week before his resurrection. Many people have heard rumors of the amazing things Jesus has done in Galilee and have gathered for Passover to hear that Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem. They are excited that the Messianic kingdom is finally here. This is when they take off their outer garments and lay them on the road Jesus walks, wave palm branches, and shout Hosanna, Jesus, Son of David, save us!

Different Dreams

However, the difference between Jesus' heart and the hearts of the crowds cheering him is best described as a statue dream. Let's reflect together on the meaning of Jesus' march in this ironic situation.

The meaning of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem

First, Jesus' entry into Jerusalem was a way of promise.

Jesus' entry into Jerusalem fulfills a prophecy made by the prophet Zechariah over 500 years ago about how the King of Israel would come.

"Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout for joy, O daughter of Jerusalem; for behold, thy King is come unto thee: he is just and humble, and abundant in salvation; and he is mounted on a donkey, the colt of an ass." - Zechariah 9:9

Jesus' life was the life prophesied in the Old Testament, fulfilling the promises of God in the Old Testament. We can see God's faithfulness to fulfill His promises. Thousands of years later, God is still the one who fulfills His promises. It is our hope and prayer that we too can follow Jesus down that path of fulfilling God's promises.

Second, Jesus' entry into Jerusalem was a path of humility.

Jesus came as the King of Israel, and He is the King of kings. He was fully qualified and capable of entering the city on a colt, but He rode in on a donkey to make it clear that He came to earth to serve, not to be served (Matthew 21:5). May we follow Jesus and walk the path of humility.

"Say unto the daughter of Zion, Thy king is come unto thee; and he humbled himself, and rode upon an ass, and on a colt, the foal of an ass, a beast of burden." - Matthew 21:5

"For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many." - Matthew 20:28

Third, Jesus' entry into Jerusalem was a way of sacrifice.

Because Jesus was coming as the King of Israel, people expected political and economic liberation to bring about the Messianic kingdom. But Jesus walked the path of death toward his sacrificial mission because he was to be offered as the Passover lamb so that the sins of mankind could be forgiven and salvation could be achieved. Just as a grain of wheat can fall to the ground and die so that it can bear much fruit, so Jesus Christ's death was to accomplish the work of salvation for mankind (John 12:24). May we walk the same path of sacrifice and service that Jesus walked.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." - John 12:24
"By one sacrifice he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified" - Hebrews 10:14 (New Living Translation)

Today is Palm Sunday. Jews waved palm branches to welcome the Messiah who would liberate Jerusalem. Jesus indeed entered to bring true freedom, but we can see that the way he won through the gospel was a path of commitment and sacrifice.

As we reflect on our lives as disciples of Jesus, it is our hope and prayer that we will reflect on whether our way to victory is Jesus' way, so that we can walk in the same path that Jesus walked, so that we can live a life of growth and maturity as true disciples of Jesus Christ,

being born again every day.

<Today's Prayer>

God, I repent of the ways in which I have sought an easier, more comfortable life, even as we claim to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. Help us to follow Jesus, who walked a life of dedication and sacrifice, and guide us to live a life of greater dedication and sacrifice that leads even one soul to You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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# 84 누가복음 4장4절

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묵상: 예수님께서는 성령의 충만함을 받으시고 요단강에서 돌아오셔서.

광야에서 사십일을 마귀와 함께 하시며 시험을 당하셨다.

예수님께서는 그 동안 아무것도 잡수시지 않았기에 배가 무척이나 고프셨다.

그런데 요놈의 마귀가 그 틈을 타서 예수님에게 유혹을 합니다.

당신이 정말 하나님의 아들이며 이 돌을 빵이 되게 해보시오 하니.

예수님께서 마귀에게 말합니다. 사람이 빵으로만 사는 것이 아니다라고 말씀 하셨습니다.

마귀는 계속하여 예수님을 시험하고 있습니다.

이번에는 높은 곳으로 올라가서 세상을 보여주며서 말합니다.

마귀는 예수님에게 이 세상의 모든 권세와 영광을 주겠다고 합니다.

이세상에 모든 권세와 영광이 나에게로 넘어 왔으니.

예수 당신이 나에게 절만하며 이 모든 것이 당신것이요.

예수님께서는 인간의 몸을 갖고 계셨고 또 배고픔도 참기 힘들었을 것입니다.

그건데도 예수님은 마귀에게 넘어 가시지 않으셨습니다.

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