A Letter from Gil and Hannah (November 2023)
Another Opportunity on the way~
Towards the end of the year, many of us will reflect on the time past 2023 and prepare for the time to come, 2024. All the things we could do, have, or enjoy in 2023 were gifts from God, whether they were people, memorable events, or finances. In 2024, there will be many new gifts as well. Every day, God gives us a new opportunity to keep walking with hope, dreams, and vision. I pray that all of us, as the people of God, will be able to thank God for everything we had, did, or enjoyed in 2023 and look forward to new things he will provide for us. Even though we cannot comprehend everything going on in our lives, God's plan or will is always at work.
Missional Tree
It is called Stewardship in the Bible when we take care of, manage, or use everything under our control (Matthew 20:1-16). I like to think of our stewardship as a " Missional Tree " bearing the fruits of the Spirit through various ministries or events (Galatians 5:22-23). Jesus describes our lives as branches of the vine, God as the gardener, and Jesus as the vine (John 15:1-8). We cannot bear any fruits apart from the vine, Jesus, the Word of God. We can bear many fruits when we abide in Jesus because he is in us.
The Fruits We Bear for Others
As we grow in Christ, we will bear more fruits, such as love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal 5:20-21). Those fruits we bear in our lives are not for ourselves, but for others we encounter in our daily lives so that people around us can have the opportunity to taste the fruit of the Spirit, smell the fragrance of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:15-16), or think about God through the time being together with us. Therefore, we are to think about the fruits we bear in our lives and what would be good for the people around us in our relationship with them emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.
Stewardship Sundays (Oct 29 ~ Nov 19, 2023)
Stewardship Sunday is not just about your financial pledge for 2024 but also your time, energy, and talents you can manage in your life for the church, people, and dream of God. I pray that you are not falling into a trap of money during Stewardship Sundays but dive into the deep thoughts about your whole life as a good and faithful steward of God (Matthew 25:14-30). Stewardship is not just about finance but also our whole life as a steward of God here on earth.
October 29 - Pastor Hannah Lee
November 5 - Rev. Ted Crass, President of the United Methodist Foundation of New England
November 12 - Rev. Gil Lee
November 19 - Susan Williams, Certified Lay Servant
Your Companions in Christ,
Pastor Gil and Hannah