2023.04.22 (Sat) Day 112 - 1 Kings 15-16
Chapter 15
Abjjah King of Judah (1-8)
Asa King of Judah (9-24)
Nadab King of Israel (25-32)
Baasha King of Israel (33-16:7)
Chapter 16
Elah King of Israel (8-14)
Zimri King of Israel (15-20)
Omri King of Israel (21-28)
Ahab Becoming King of Israel (29-34)
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1 Kings 15-16
Abjjah King of Judah
Asa King of Judah
Nadab King of Israel
Baasha King of Israel
Elah king of Israel
Zimri king of Israel
Omari king of Israel
Arab becoming king of Israel,
All of these kings of Judea and kings of Israel fell short. They all committed the sins of their fathers before them.  but there is excitement to come. A path is being led. The one that will lead them out will soon come.
The only thing that I think we can learn from this is that power does change hands many times. And with it comes change some good some bad the power seems to always over rain when it comes to doing…
2023.04.22 (Sat) Bible Reading Meditation #112
Title: David's Heart After God's Own Heart
[1 Kings 15:11] And Asa walked uprightly in the sight of the LORD, like David his father.
[1Ki 15:3] And Abijam did all the sins that his father had already done, and his heart was not like the heart of David his father, so that he was not perfect before the LORD his God.
The description of King Asa and King Abijam describes Asa as 'a king who walked uprightly in the sight of the LORD, like David his father', and Abijam as 'a king whose heart was not like the heart of David his forefather'.
After King David, the standard seems to be…