Day 10: Spoken and Silent
Reflecting and Recording
Which type of prayer is your preference? Why?
What kind of devotional material have you found useful in teaching you and assisting you in your preference?
What do you feel you need to learn about the other kind of prayer?
Recall times in your life when you had prayed aloud when you were alone and times when you had prayed silently when you were in a group.
How did you feel when doing this? What have you learned as a result?
Day 10
1. Which type of prayer is your preference and why?
 Allowed when needed. Having me talk to God helps, and helps me listen to him to ! Silent when it’s more personal to my heart… I feel it calms me. And then reading scripture and sharing with a group. I find that can help and be very educational.
2. What kind of devotional material have you found you spell in teaching you in assisting you in your preferences?
I use the Bible, devotional books, I read some online, and companion group devotional sharing. These readings. I find that it helps a lot when I’m searching for an answer.
3. What do you feel? You need to learn…
I am more comfortable with silent prayer. When I pray aloud in a group, I feel self-conscious and feel as if I am being judged. I compare my faith to others and know that I fall short. And lately, I sometimes forget what words I want to say , so silent prayer is safer and also helps me feel closer to God.
Sometimes when I am in a group where people are praying, I get frustrated if I can't hear them because I want to learn to pray like they do. I can usually only hear someone sittinnext to meg because people's voices are lower when they are praying even with a group of people.
Since silent prayer is what…