Day 13: We Can Know God
Reflecting and Recording
How have you come to know God through prayer? How does your own prayer experience parallel that of Wesley?
What experience in prayer have you had that would enable you to say, “He walks with me, and he talks with me…”?
Think back in your life, perhaps even to your childhood. Have you known people who lived prayer-saturated lives?
What qualities do you remember about them?
What characteristics would you like to exemplify in your own life so that others might one day remember you and life of prayer?
1. How have you come to know God through prayer?
How does your own prayer experience parallel with that of Wesley?
2. What experiences in God have you had, that you could say he walks with me and he talks with me?
 For me, I think I knew God the first time I was scared to death, late at night. My parents were fighting. It was pretty bad the police had to come. When this became a normal routine. I learn to sleep through some of it.
I think I knew God then. Honestly, I think I prayed as a young child for a lot of things even though I really question whether or not at that time I…
I have always had problems with praying. I keep thinking I'm supposed to sound "reverent" like my friends do. When I try to say a prayer aloud, I feel like I'm being judged. I'm more comfortable writing prayers.
My whole day is a prayer. I speak to God throughout my day thanking Him, asking for answers and praising Him.
I have never had any role models to teach me how to pray. That's why the Lord's prayer is so important to me. He is the role model.