Day 16 : Worshipful Reading
Reflecting and Recording
Do Wesley’s words that he read the Bible “far from the busy ways of mem” issue any challenge to you? Do they give you any idea of what that might mean in your life’s routine?
What insight or guidance do you receive in knowing that the goal of Bible reading is quality, not quantity – encountering God, not reading about God?
Is your present method of reading the Bible enabling you to “find the way to heaven”? If so, write below how that is so.
If not, use the space below to consider ways you might alter your reading to more nearly achieve this end.
Day 16
Worshipful reading
1. Do Wesley‘s words that he read the Bible “ far from the busy ways of men” issue any challenges to you? Do they give you an idea of what that might mean in your life’s routine?
I take from this, the quote, the Bible, in its unique ability to bring men and women into an encounter with Almighty God. He goes on to say the unhurried, and relevant manner, to be alone and present with God, and with the holy Bible is the best practice.
I, too believe that that’s the best way to practice. And I don’t mean practice in the sense of this is just a participation in some thing. I mean practice…
Question 1-I have no problem reading the Bible "far from the busy ways of men". I live alone and shut my phone off when I study.
Question 2- The quality of what I'm reading has always been more important than the quantity as far as the actual reading. However,I spread myself too thin with several projects and studies. I have an incredible hunger for God's Word I want to learn so I can share what I learn.
Perhaps it would be best if I meditated both before and after my reading.