Day 22 : Past and Future
Reflecting and Recording
Which of these emphases has been most important in your past participation in the Lord’s Supper? Why?
What new ideas have you contemplated after today’s reading?
How can you use these new ideas to prepare yourself to receive the Lord’s Supper at your next opportunity?
As you think back, what is the most meaningful communion service you have ever been a part of?
In the space below record some of the details of that experience. What made it special?
Day 22
i’m not sure that I’ve ever put an emphasis on the participation of the Lord’s supper ‘s in a Past or future .
I can say that for me, when I look at holy communion, and the Lords supper, it is very personal. I think, taking the sacraments “do this in remembrance of me.”
“My body broken for you” “my blood poured for you” for me this is neither past nor future, it is the present - me excepting a piece of Jesus ,it’s a renewal of my faith given to him. It is my redemption and my humbling of myself. Is recognition of his gift of life given from his own.
 I’m not really contemplating anything…
The emphasis has been in looking back not in looking forward as I was never taught to look forward. It was always a re-enactment of the Lord's Supper. It is interesting to look ahead as a pledge to future glory. I have so much to learn.
I was raised Catholic and received First Communion. But I doubt at seven years old I truly knew what it was all about. To me it was a sacrament that as a practicing Catholic at that time was mandatory and subsequently sometimes if I didn't go to confession, the experience would be one of guilt instead of joy.
I see receiving Communion differently today. Today it is a choice.