Day 40 : The Rest of the Story
Reflecting and Recording
As you see Wesley’s use of select societies and penitent bands, what comparable dimensions do you see in your church for those who are ready and those who are reluctant?
What special or occasional services does your church have that enable people to further express their faith and be nurtured in it? Which of these services do you find most meaningful? Why?
What evidence in your church or community do you see where people are
using various subgroups as substitute churches?
While recognizing the benefits that groups have in corporate devotional life,
what risks or dangers do you see as well?
How might you invite people to connect with the church without devaluing
their group experience?
Day 40
1. As you see Wesley’s use of select societies in penitent bands, what comparable dimensions do you see in your church for those who are ready and those who are reluctant?

I see people at our church in many levels of devotional life. We have those that are all in, as well as those who are reluctant. But I think the mix is really well. Because each of us is that a growing level of our own.
We have those at church that are taking the next level, completing off certified lay servants, and speakers, and become the next leaders at our church. We have those that are just interested in the small groups. But not every…