Day 45 : Doing Good
Reflecting and Recording
The old hymn “ Help Somebody To-day” says, “Tho’ it be little - a neighborly deed- Help somebody today.” How is this an expression of Wesley’s ethic of doing good?\
How is your church an expression of a broad range of ministries aimed at doing good? Do any new possibilities come to your mind?
Once again, considering that Wesley came up with concrete expressions of
doing good, what specific expressions would you list that would fulfill each of
the three categories : doing good to bodies of others, to their souls, and to
fellow believers?
Why are these especially important for you?
How can you prevent these from deteriorating into legalism or measurements
of spirituality?
Day 45
Doing good
1. The old him open “help somebody today“ says, “tho’ it be little – a neighborly deed Dash help somebody today.” How is this an expression of Wesleys ethic of doing good ?
I think this one is pretty obvious. We are geared to help others based on God’s commitment. That shall love thy neighbor.
I’m gonna come back to balance cause I think there Hass to be balance in everything that we do. Wesley start first to take care of body of others and self, right food clothing, shelter, visitations, visiting the sick and prisoners and so forth, is one aspect then he goes on further to say you need to do good for your…