Day Seven: The Group Meeting
Ask members to tell about their most meaningful day with the workbook. The leader will begin and set the example for this time of interaction. Particularly note why the chosen day was meaningful.
Now share your most difficult day. Tell what you experienced and why it was so difficult. See if any others in the group share your difficulty or if there are those who can shed some light on the difficulty.
Out of the mix of meaningful and difficult, have all who will share what they believe to be their “God word” for the week. The “God's word” is not something magical or unusual. It is simply the impression each person feels to be most personal and important. It may be a word of comfort, counsel, or challenge. Think of it as the cream that rises to the top of milk. Allow time for everyone to share.
Close group session with prayer. Do not expect or demand that everyone pray aloud, in a certain way, or in a certain order. Remember what we said in the introduction: The use of this workbook is not directly connected with a prayer meeting. We want to create a prayer atmosphere, but we are not here to learn how to pray. The most helpful way to do this is simply to ask if group members have prayer requests. As people respond, encourage each person to write down the requests. Then when all who wish to have expressed requests call the group to silence, asking that every person prays for the requests in their hearts. Silent prayer is an especially appropriate action for a group like this since most of the time will have been spent talking. The holy silence of closing prayer is a good way to “be still and know that God is God.”
Day 7 
This was meant to be intentionally a day of rest, and a day of reflection of the week.
If I look back through this week of learning, we know that we start looking at devotional time versus devotional living. We look at when to begin and make time for God, not find time, but make time.
To have a devotional time , which is when you set aside time for prayer to be with God. But if you were living a devotional life and living devotionally , The time should already be be there and be present.
One of the greatest challenges is to meet our commandments. to love God with all your heart soul and mind.