Day 9: Private and Corporate Prayer
Reflecting and Recording
What principles strike you as most important in today’s reading?
What practices of Wesley could you modify in your own prayer life that would make prayer more relational and comprehensive?
Frank Laubach spoke and wrote about “flash prayers.” These are essentially the same as Wesley’s hourly prayers.
What experience have you had with this kind of praying? How has it affected your overall prayer life?
If this is a new thought for you, use the remaining days of this week to see how many ways you can utilize brief prayers as you go through the day.
Day 9
1. What principle strikes you the most important in today’s reading ?
For me, I would say it’s time, practice, routine.
I noticed that if I start my day off with prayer and devotion, and then writing my reflection to my reading into my daily meditation, I find it sets the foundation for the path of how my day is going to play out. Without it chaos.
2. What practices of Wesley could you modify on your own prayer life that would make prayer more relational and comprehensive?
Here the only thing that I think I could change would be the structure of my time. My schedule changes daily. Most mornings I try to get up early, do…
Question 1. Learning the importance of both private and corporate prayer.
Question 2. He used morning prayers to prepare for the day and evening prayer to review the day.
When I hear of someone needing prayers, I stop what I'm doing and pray at that moment. I don't have a set schedule for praying. However, I feel I also pray by actions not just words.