2023.07.21 (Fri) Day 202 - Isaiah 5-8
Chapter 5
The Songs of the Vineyard (1-7)
Woes and Judgments (8-30)
Chapter 6
Isaiah's Commission (1-13)
Chapter 7
The Sign of Immanuel (1-17)
Assyria, the Lord's Instrument (18-25)
Chapter 8
Isaiah and His Children as Signs (1-18)
The Darkness Turns to Light (19-22)
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Isaiah 5-8
In Gods name ..
The people of God are shown their transgressions and the judgement.
Covetousness, greediness, rioting , reveling and drunkenness… punished by captivity and misery.
An awful vision Isaiah saw of the glory of God . The terror he felt … yet released all by the assurance of the pardons of sin .
songs of mercy and judgement for those who did/ do not understand or perceive.
Darkness to light ….
Heavenly Father we find refuge in your arms .. stability in you strength and wisdom in your words … we are weak in all areas without you , we are lost … be our guiding light, fill our would with your love and mercy. I…