2023.07.04 (Tue) Day 185 - Psalm 110-118
Ch 110. Sit at My Right Hand
Ch 111. Great Are the Lord's Works
Ch 112. The Righteous Will Never Be Moved
Ch 113. Who is Like the Lord our God?
Ch 114. Tremble at the Presence of the Lord
Ch 115. To Your Name Give Glory
Ch 116. I Love the Lord
Ch 117. The Lord's Faithfulness Endures Forever
Ch 118. His Steadfast Love Endures Forever
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Psalm 110-118
Lord there will come a day when I will stand before…. Will I tremble , will I fall to my knees or will I fall in those loving arms that hold me tight right now . To your name I give Glory and praise to you of your strength and unending love and mercy… your grace !!! My faith tells me the later.. I fall in your arms … I ask for your forgiveness of my flaws , please know my deepest apologies for all my sins … help me to keep my faith as strong and unconditional as your love for me … is strong. In Christ Jesus name . Amen