2023.06.13 (Tue) Day 164 - Job 21-26
Chapter 21
Job Replies: The Wicked Do Prosper
Chapter 22
Eliphaz Speaks: Job's Wickedness is Great
Chapter 23-24
Job Replies: Where Is God?
Chapter 25
Bildad Speaks: Man Cannot Be Righteous
Chapter 26
Job Replies: God's Majesty is Unsearchable
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Job 21-26
And Job continues to reply to his friends and their complaints Zophar one of which complains I was on miseries. Finding that his friends were not moved by his complaints of them, and the fact that there is no pity. A closer look to the general question on the dispute between them. Whether outward prosperity or the continuing of it or mark the true church, the true member of it so that the ruling of a man’s prosperity is sufficient to prove to him a hypocrite, there’s no other evidence appears against him. And Jobe denied. He looks for their attention., For the convincing of their judgments and ratification of their mistakes. He owns that God does sometime…
Job 23:2-3
“Even today my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy in spite of my groaning. If only I knew where to find him; if only I could go to his dwelling! I would state my case before him and fill my mouth with arguments, I would find out what he would answer me, and consider what he would say to me."
I have often stated in my writings that the word “God” is stated in the NIV version of the Bible 3,952 times and I know where to find Him. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, I most definitely know where to find Jesus. But just like Job, sometimes when my emotions are fragile, I…