2023.06.15 (Thu) Day 166 - Job 31-34
Chapter 31
Job's Final Appeal
Chapter 32
Elihu Rebukes Job's Three Friends
Chapter 33
Elihu Rebukes Job
Chapter 34
Elihu Asserts God's Justice
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Job 31-34
 Job often protest his integrity. He claims is good deeds because he feared God, and his piety was at the bottom of his justice and clarity, and this crown is proof of his sincerity. He wishes to acquit himself against the sins of a non-cleansed, heart fraud against injustice, in comments against adultery Against harshness or severity towards the servants, he continues to plead about unmerciful Ness to the poor, the widows and the fatherless. He begs his confidence to his worldly, wealth, idolatry, revenge, neglect of a poor stranger, he pleads the Pockrus, he in concealing his own sins and cowardice and convincing at the sins of others. The oppression and the violence invasion of peoples…
When I read today’s verses, my immediate reaction was: “more of the same” and I didn’t think I had anything to say. No verse stood out as being the one I wanted to meditate on, pray about or share my thoughts on. And I decided not to write today.
And then I realized this kind of complacency is dangerous. It gives Satan a stronghold and gives me a reason to regard reading the Bible as “business as usual” instead of the inspirational experience I have come to cherish.
While today’s verses did seem like more of the same with the additional words of yet another friend, Elihu, it should serve as a reminder to make sure my faith doesn’t become…