2023.06.17 (Sat) Day 168 - Job 39-42
Chapter 39
The Lord Answers Job
Chapter 40-41
Job Promises Silence (1-5)
The Lord Challenges Job (6-24)
Chapter 42
Job's Confession and Repentance (1-6)
The Lord Rebukes Job's Friends (7-9)
The Lord Restores Job's Fortunes (10-17)
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Well, I totally missed the mark on the devotion I posted earlier. The whole point of the book of Job is that he didn’t do anything wrong to deserve what was happening to him. God allowed Satan to take away his family and material wealth to show that he would still be faithful to God. And it was, right to the end.
Although wrong choices sometimes influence events in my life, I am reminded of the times God allowed people, places or things to be taken away from me if they hindered my walk with him. God knows what’s best for me even if I can’t see it. I still believe that living outside of God’s will has consequences, b…
Job 39:5-8
“Who let the wild donkey go free? Who untied its ropes? I gave it the wasteland as its home, the salt flats as its habitat. It laughs at the commotion in the town; it does not hear a driver’s shout. It ranges the hills or its pasture and searches for any green thing.”
At first, I couldn’t decide on an opening verse for my devotion. Then I chose chapter 39 because every word in this chapter amazes me. It speaks of God’s provision for his creatures in stunning detail. Nothing is left to chance. There is a reason they are created exactly as they are: for protection and for equipping them with everything they would need: shelter, fo…
God choice Job his faithful servant to be challenged by Satan . Although Job did not speak against God, he was confused about what was happening.
Job is challenged by those all around him, even those closest. Job miss the reason, he tries hard to figure out how he deserves what it happening to him.
Lord to often we think it’s (About Me)
and we are blind to the real reason.
You choose each of us for your purpose
and yet we still focus on ourselves.
Lord you are so much bigger and see things far beyond my comprehension.
Lord into your hands I place my trust, my I stay faithful while being humble enough to allow you to use…
Job 39-42
 Concerning the wild goats, the wild donkeys, the unicorn, and the peacock the ostrich the horse concerning the hawk and the eagles. God proceeds to show Job what little reason he had to charge him with unkindness. Who is so compassionate and inferior creature he had taken such to the care of them, what a boost of himself.
 Humbling and confronting questions, God had put the job, he demands an answer of them, and Job submits a humble silence. But this time God proceeds to reason with him, or his convictions concerning the infinite distance in this portion between God and himself. Showing the ways
 Convince Joseph is on weakness he is challenged to subdue…