2023.06.24 (Sat) Day 175 - Psalm 45-51
Ch 45 - Your Throne, O God, Is Forever
Ch 46 - God Is Our Fortress
Ch 47 - God Is King over All the Earth
Ch 48 - Zion, the City of Our God
Ch 49 - Why Should I Fear in Times of Trouble?
Ch 50 - God Himself Is Judge
Ch 51 - Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God
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Psalm 45-51
Heavenly Father, you are the rock on which we stand . Your mighty love and grace runs though our soles and gives us strength to endure You are King over all, the beast , the Earth and us . You wrap your loving arms around us , like a fortress …we are protected. We fear no evil… we hold tight to our faith , your wisdom shared, we need to just listen… , guide us and deliver us … you are the power and glory, our ultimate judge … our salvation … keep our hearts pure …. Filled with you love and grace.. In Christ Jesus name. Amen