2023.06.27 (Tue) Day 178 - Psalm 69-73
Ch 69. Save Me, O God
Ch 70. O Lord, Do Not Delay
Ch 71. Forsake Me Not When My Strength Is Spent
Ch 72. Give the King Your Justice
Ch 73. God Is My Strength and Portion Forever
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Psalm 69-73
Songs and poems of great passion, praise and requests from afflictions and prayers for relief. Poetic words ( shared between friends ) David and God ..
Wisdom and knowledge unknown of its power of verses shared for us …. To read and reflect the truth of it all…
I think the unknown of its value is the gift given freely in the sharing. I am not convinced that it was intentional but more a journal given in record of his conversations with God. Prayers requested for help With (his) David’s afflictions durning this time .
Wow, Gods will to ensure it’s recorded and shared in the Bible. I truly believe the hands that scribed were directed by God.…
Psalm 69:3
I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God.
One of the hardest things I had to learn as a new Christian was understanding and accepting God's timing because I’m generally a very impatient person. But as I grew to know the Lord, I was sure His answer would come when He was ready to reveal it to me. It wasn’t always the answer I was waiting for, and like David, I sometimes wore myself out worrying, crying and praying.
Through the years I learned that sometimes certain things must happen first before other things were able to happen perhaps as part of God's plan for myself or maybe…