2023.06.04(Sun) Day 155 - Nehemiah 10-11
Chapter 10
The People Who Sealed the Covenant (1-27)
The Obligations of the covenant (28-39)
Chapter 11
The Leaders in Jerusalem (1-24)
Villages Outside Jerusalem (25-36)
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Nehemiah 10-11
 covenant of God was first brought Israel was done by sacrifice and the sprinkling of blood but here it’s done more natural and common way of sealing and scribing the writing articles of the covenant which bound them to no more then was already there duty.
We see an account of those who signify their constant and concurrence, the covenants itself, articles of it in general, all of which would keep the word of God and his commandments. In particular, they would not marry with a heathen, or be profane on the Sabbath not be rigorous with their debtors. They would carefully pay their church dues, and keep up the maintenance of the church and the temple…