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Mar 17, Judges 1-3

Writer's picture: Gil LeeGil Lee

2023.03.17 (Fri) Day 76 - Judges 1-3

Chapter 1

Judah and Simeon Conquer the Land (1-18)

Israel Fails to Conquer the Land (19-36)

Chapter 2

The LORD's Messenger Comes to Bokim (1-5)

The Death of Joshua (6-9)

Israel Disobeys the LORD (10-15)

The LORD Rescues His People (16-23)

Chapter 3

The Nations Left in Canaan (1-6)

Othniel Becomes Israel's Judge (7-11)

Ehud Becomes Israel's Judge (12-30)

Shamgar Becomes israel's Judge (31)

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The Life Application Study Bible calls the time of Judges a “spiritual and national train wreck for Israel. The nation underwent political and religious turmoil as the people tried to possess those parts of the land that had not yet been fully conquered.” And once again the people of Israel tried to go forward without God. Much like I did many times in my life...and sometimes, still do.

Today, as I continue on a scary and sometimes maddening ride with my short-term memory seemingly being attacked (I am not yet ready or brave enough to give it a name), I realize that unless I start trusting God with all my heart, all my mind, and with all my strength, …



Judges 1–3

So here we are seeing more conquering of land

More divisions of territories

Again, Israel disobey is the Lord and the Lord, once again rescues people

And then Israel has three new leaders judges.


At this juncture in the Bible, you see a continuous pattern of us breaking God‘s laws. Breaking our covenant with him. I see that he’s separating into smaller groups. Like our companion groups.

My immediate reaction is that he’s breaking us into smaller groups, is, is he hoping,, that by having a smaller group of people. Not everyone will break the rules.

Kind of like the fable, one bad apple spoils the bunch. It’s gods separating us in the different territories and allowing…


Wonderful Barbara

I just listen to the 3 days catching up after a busy week at work. And your reflection was right on track of what I was thinking.

We a country blessed by God allowed God to be taken away from us . Allowing those who wanted nothing to do with God to trick us and we allowed it. As I look back and try to understand when and why this happened, surprisingly we today those who have chosen to read the Bible are now reading Judges. I believe today this is a message to us today from God. To stand tall and proclaim God is our Lord, with God on our side as He was with our ancestor…

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