2023.03.21 (Tue) Day 80 - Judges 11-13
Chapter 11
Jephthah Becomes Israel's Judge (1-28)
Jephthah's Vow (29-40)
Chapter 12
Ephraim Fights with Jephthah (1-7)
Ibzan Becomes Israel's Judge (8-10)
Elon Becomes Israel's Judge (11-12)
Abdon Becomes Israel's Judge (13-15)
Chapter 13
The Birth of Samson (1-25)
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Judges 11-13
More leaders but many differences .
The birth of Samson
Here we’re seeing many liters taking over shorter times six years, seven years. It’s coming with betrayal to God. My God shows much support each, and gives each of them different requirements that they needed to lead.
I’m sure there’s a lesson here, but I’m just not seeing, I’m not sure if I’m getting caught up with so many differences, and so many requirements. Or if it’s just a continuation of disappointment to God.
 What is the birth of Samson? Why is God sending a holy birth now?? 
Heavenly father, continue to guide me, continue to share your wisdom and your knowledge. Help me not…
In describing Jephthah, the Life Application Bible says: “In most of his conflicts, Jephthah’s first move was to talk. In the war with the Ammonites, his strategy was negotiation. He clarified the issues so that everyone knew the cause of the conflict. His opponent’s response determined his course of action.”
When I first started reading the Bible, my first goal was to know what was written in it. I slowly graduated from that goal to wanting to know who God is. Today my main goal in reading God’s Word is to live what I learn.
This is particularly challenging while reading and studying Judges. Even my meditation time is difficult. I just can’t get into it...or simply don’t want to…