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Mar 25, Ruth 1-4

Writer's picture: Gil LeeGil Lee

2023.03.25 (Sat) Day 84 - Ruth 1-4

Chapter 1

Naomi Widowed (1-13)

Ruth's Loyalty (14-22)

Chapter 2

Ruth Gleans in Boaz's Field

Chapter 3

Boaz Will Redeem Ruth (1-18)

Chapter 4

The Marriage of Ruth (1-15)

The Line of David (16-22)

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Mar 27, 2023

I had written a comment and then forgot my login information-hopefully I can remember all I posted-Ruth is such a favorite book of mine-a delightful juxtaposition after all the hate, mayhem, murder, rape, sin, anger in Judges-reading a love story was beautiful-loved the love, devotion, commitment, leaving one's own comfort for the unknown to stay with her mother in law-

Gil Lee
Gil Lee
Mar 31, 2023
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Wow! I got you! Donna! Welcome! I am so sorry for late welcoming...Please keep coming and sharing your wonderful and insightful thoughts and perspective with us here!! Welcome to Daily Walk With God once again!!!


Unknown member
Mar 25, 2023

Ruth 1-4

Finally love


We’re here at last. Sometimes with great sadness and great loss. Comes our most blessed times. Our relationship forms so deep that it is unbreakable. Unexplainable.

Naomi loses her husband sons and has great tragedy. But moves on. And an all the sadness she is experiencing, she lets go of the last two Joys that she knows in her life.

Not wanting to hold back her daughter-in-law‘s, she releases them. And takes no consideration for herself and her loneliness.

One of her daughter-in-law‘s turns and goes home, not Ruth she remains. Steadfast to give her support to Naomi. To give her love, she even goes as far as saying, and she would be damned. If…


Mar 25, 2023

So, Boaz said to Ruth, "My daughter, listen to me. Don't go and glean in another field and don't go away from here. Stay here with the women who work for me. Watch the field where the men are harvesting and follow along after the women. I have told the men not to lay a hand on you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled." (Ruth 2:8-9)

As I was reading the book of Ruth, I was very impressed with Boaz. He allowed Ruth to harvest in his field, told the men not to bother her and made sure she had what she needed, including food and water. Thi…


Mar 25, 2023

The book of Ruth

How refreshed to read about a great love and devotion. Although Naomi loss her husband and two sons God gave her Ruth. Boas sees Ruth in his field and is moved in awe of her. Admiring her devotion to her mother-in-law, which is a relative of his.

How exciting knowing that this is the seeding of Jesus.

Now why was this Book of Ruth placed after Judges? Did God know that those reading His word would be discouraged by all the failures of the books before it.

The book of Ruth comes at the perfect time, bringing back hope, love and compassion.


Thank you for your message in the book of Ruth. Thank you for…

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