2023.10.17 (Tue) Day 289 (D-77) - Mark 12-13
Chapter 12
The Parable of the Tenants (1-12)
Paying Taxes to Caesar (13-17)
The Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection (18-27)
The Great Commandment (28-34)
Whose Son Is the Christ? (35-37)
Beware of the Scribes (38-40)
The Widow's Offering (41-44)
Chapter 13
Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple (1-2)
Signs of the End of the Age (3-13)
The Abomination of Desolation (14-23)
The Coming of the Song of Man (24-27)
The Lesson of the Fig Tree (28-31)
No One Knows That Day or Hour (32-37)
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Here in these parables Jesus is sending us warnings and lessons.
Telling us to have our eyes open to deceit and false information.
So we have been told, but what do we do when we recognize this happening?
We become afraid and in doing that Satan thinks he has won
Oh but there is a better way. Jesus told us these warnings because when we encounter them we would turn to Him. Put our trust and faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Listen for directions and guidance. Now this is not an easy task to do, we often try to take control of things on our own. We don’t pay attention when God is speaking to us.
Lord forgive me…