2023.10.25 (Wed) Day 297 (D-69) - Luke 11-12
Chapter 11
The Lord's Prayer (1-13)
Jesus and Beelzebul (14-23)
Return of an Unclean Spirit (24-26)
True Blessedness (27-28)
The Sign of Jonah (29-32)
The Light in You (33-36)
Woes to the Pharisees and Lawyers (37-54)
Chapter 12
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees (1-3)
Have No Fear (4-7)
Acknowledge Christ Before Men (8-12)
The Prable of the Rich Fool (13-21)
Do Not Be Anxious (22-34)
You Must Be Ready (35-48)
Not Peace, but Division (49-53)
Interpreting the Time (54-56)
Settle with Your Accuser (57-59)
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Today’s scriptures from Luke are so powerful, although we have read the same message in other books. Here I heard very clearly from Jesus. I can see what He has warned us about. And we have not learned from it. Although this was written long ago, we have falling again and again into that which He spoke about.
Will we ever learn? Yes some try to live obedient to the Lord while there is chaos all around. It becomes overwhelming, what can we do?
Many stick their head in the sand, thinking if they don’t hear or see it will go away and not effect them.
Do we leave rotten fruit with the good fruit? If we do surely the…