2023.10.31 (Tue) Day 303 (D-62) - Luke 23-24
Chapter 23
Jesus Before Pilate (1-5)
Jesus Before Herod (6-17)
Pilate Delivers Jesus to Be Crucified (18-25)
The Crucifixion (26-43)
The Death of Jesus (44-49)
Jesus Is Buried (50-56)
Chapter 24
The Resurrection (1-12)
On the Road to Emmaus (13-35)
Jesus Appears to His Disciples 36-49)
The Ascension (50-53)
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Luke 23-24
There are many things - feelings - both - good and bad about this 23 rd / 24th chapter of the gospel of Luke .
Pilate’s understand of the difference between armed forces and those Followers of Jesus, and how angry the Jews were , none were softened by Pilate’s declaration of Innocence of Jesus. - how he gave into weakness….
The Lord our Father brings his design to a glorious end . Even by the means of those following their own hearts . We are all joined.
As Jesus became the atoning sacrifice of all our sins .
As soon as Jesus was fastened to the cross he started to pray for those who crucified him .…